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Working in Latin America with
Engineering Ministries International

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We're working with a Christian NGO based in Nicaragua called Engineering Ministries International (EMI). EMI works with many local charities in helping them to develop their sites and building facilities. The sort of projects that EMI delivers include schools, hospitals, churches and even, on one occasion, a fish farm training centre powered on chicken waste!

We moved to Central America from the UK in April 2021 and have enjoyed being involved in some inspiring projects with EMI. In 2023 some of the projects we were privileged to work on included a bible institute, a primary school for the children of families relocated from living in one of Managua's notorious landfill sites and a therapy centre for the support of children with additional needs. These projects and more are included in this document which provides a round-up of 2023, with stories of impact of where God has been at work through EMI Nicaragua over the past year. 

How did we get here?

We had been praying about the possibility of joining staff at EMI since we visited the Latin America office (then in Costa Rica) back in 2012 before working together on a project in Honduras. The project team photo below was taken on that trip - showing us both looking a little younger! 

Six years later during Spring Harvest 2018 we felt God calling us to step out in faith and look more closely at what working for EMI might look like.

Rob carried out another project, this time in Managua, in March 2019 and then as a family we enjoyed a holiday to Nicaragua a few months later to get to know the country.

We formally applied in early 2020 and following a few months of interviews we were offered a position to join the EMI Nicaragua office. We moved to Costa Rica in April 2021 where we carried out 8 months of Spanish school before moving to Managua in Nicaragua in February 2022.

Details on EMI projects both past and present, including those where we have been involved as volunteers, can be found here.

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About EMI

EMI is a non-profit Christian development organisation made up of architects, engineers, surveyors and project managers. EMI uses its skills to serve people worldwide through the design of hospitals, schools, water systems and many other facilities. An important part of EMI’s work is employing and training local design professionals in their offices abroad. For more details check out their website here

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Support Raising

As with all overseas EMI staff we don't receive a salary from EMI but instead raise the funds to provide all that we need for our time over here.

This document provides a summary of the work we were privileged to be a part of in 2023 and shares some stories of impact where God has been at work during the past year. If you or your church or organisation would like to find out more please email us at

If you would like to donate to the work that God is doing through EMI in Latin America then please click on the donate button below, providing the reference 'Quail Family'

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Things to pray for:

For Praise

• Helen overcoming cancer! Helen had a tumour removed in June last year and following 4 rounds of chemotherapy was declared cancer-free – Praise God!

• For the great medical care that Helen has received and the blessing of community here that has supported us in so many ways during Helen’s recovery.

• The project work has been plentiful and varied this year, with both local and international projects keeping us busy.

• Helen’s new role as intern-coordinator builds on her previous experience of developing early career professionals.

• The children’s learning and growth this year; at school, in their language skills, in their friendships and extra-curricular activities.

For Prayer 2024

• Helen will require surgery, we hope in early January, for a stoma reversal procedure. Please pray for the procedure, recovery and finances. 

• Chloe and Josh will be starting their 3rd academic year here in Nicaragua at the end of January, please pray for a happy and productive year of schooling for them both.

• We plan to travel to the UK in June/July, please pray for the logistics and finances for this.

•Please pray for EMI Nicaragua and for the projects we’ve shared here in this update and for those that will be completed during 2024.


Why are we doing this?

Lift up your heads, O you gates; lift them up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is he, this King of glory? The LORD Almighty-- he is the King of glory. – Psalm 24 v 10

Psalm 24 has been a recurring passage for our family for a long time including a memorable sermon in a Nicaraguan church, all the way back in 2012! And it also speaks into the moment we find ourselves in now as we recognise God as our King and invite Him to lead us. We feel that He has been calling us into this ministry and whilst it is a big move for our family, and at times a little daunting, we are putting our trust in Him as we embark on this exciting opportunity. There is more about the significance Psalm 24 has for us here.

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